
We create communications that supports leadership and builds value. Our clients are companies and organisations that thrive, rethink their industries and renew the society.

We are Mailand

About us:
Work with us?

The idea of Mailand saw daylight on May 11, 2006, at an Aalto Executive Education EMBA lecture: “Strategic communications for B2B companies and specialist organisations”. The consultancy was opened in February 2008. Since then we have served businesses and organisations who aim high and recognize the value of PR for their growth.

Mailand is a PR consultancy that supports leadership and builds value. Our clients are companies and organisations that thrive, rethink their industries and renew the society.

Communication connects the agencies, clients, the media, politician and authorities – and this co-operation requires sharing the same moral, legal and social values. This is the foundation of how Mailand works.

We are not afraid of throwing ourselves into even the most difficult tasks if there is a good cause. We will give our full support to companies and leaders who want to create a better society with their capabilities, build wealth, develop innovations, and improve our well-being and sustainability. It is easy to commit to such corporate cultures and people, and it also makes our work meaningful.



Alpo Räinä
Managing Partner, Senior Consultant
+358 40 5670212

As the Managing Partner at Mailand, Alpo concentrates on customer relationships and planning. He has vast experience as a PR and marketing partner especially to industrial, construction and technology innovation companies as well as industry associations. In his free time Alpo follows keenly the global media and reads about history, politics and cultural studies. His outdoor exercises include golf, cycling and cross-country skiing.

Alpo is a board member at Finnish PR Consultancies (a part of Marketing Finland).

Maarit Saari
Senior Consultant, Partner
+358 50 5507599

Maarit excels in demanding communication development tasks that require a creative command of language, solid business understanding and strong social skills. She is responsible for several clients ranging from listed companies to start-ups that represent industries such as construction, technology and finance.

In addition to her work, Maarit studies service innovation and design at Laurea University of Applied Sciences. So – whether you’re working on a new communications concept, media training or business model, the client is at the heart of everything.


Larissa Rima, Mailand

Larissa Rima
Senior Consultant
0400 581521

Larissa is an imaginative communications and marketing strategist who comes up with creative concepts and engaging content. Her goal is to create a brand experience which is consistent, memorable and recognisable. During her career span she has consulted clients in many industrial sectors, construction, IT services, culture and more.

In her free time, Larissa enjoys outdoor activities, yoga and Jamaican street dance and sings in a choir. When spring arrives, she rides four ferries that take her to the archipelago, her favorite place.

Roope Tukia
Consultant, Public Affairs
045 1354314

Roope joined Mailand in August 2022, and he participates in lobbying and influencing projects. Roope’s got a broad view of political decision-making. He has been working for quite some time in political decision-making networks and versatile lobbying projects across the country. His strengths include open-minded network thinking and meeting people as they are, as well as focusing on solutions that support the targets of all those involved.

In his spare time, Roope is a keen fan and player of many ball games. He is also currently finishing his studies in International Politics.

Timo Mansikka-aho

Timo Mansikka-aho
Senior Consultant
040 5008902

Skillfully combining creative thinking with strategic approach and ability to understand the client’s business, Timo designs communication concepts that resonate and executes them in a way that stands out, delivering the message to the point. From blog posts, articles and websites to video scripts, podcasts and any other form of content, Timo feels right at home and ready to roll.

Timo believes that the most significant part of any content is created away from the keyboard. He likes to facilitate workshops and have discussions about the business in general. Communication’s role is to help the clients meet their business objectives, and to do that the best possible way, taking a good look at the big picture is essential.

Work with us?

Send your application to:

Working at a PR consultancy requires an educated mind, a market economy driven view of the society, economy and business life, a thirst for personal development as well as creativity and edge. A bit of fighting spirit also helps.

If you are interested, we can assure you that at Mailand you will be working with bright and talented clients and colleagues. We will support your personal development and at times of celebration glasses will be raised as well.