
Jumping on a Moving Train – Interim Assignments Challenge Communicators

No one is irreplaceable. But what can you do when a key communications person is on sick leave or leaves for new challenges, and the planned recruitment takes longer than anticipated? Where can you search for, find, hire, or borrow a temporary professional? We have the solution ready: a Mailand consultant rushes to the rescue for an interim assignment.

Transparency Register makes lobbying public?

At SuomiAreena on June 27th, a discussion on responsible lobbying was held with Tuomo Yli-Huttula from Finance Finland, the Greens MP Fatim Diarra, and Alpo Räinä from Mailand. The event was organized by Marketing Finland communication agencies and ProCom. The annual political discussion event SuomiAreena focused on lobbying and the Finnish Rransparency Register on June 27. […]
Kuvassa Euroopan murhattujen juutalaisten muistomerkki

When times are rough, EU needs your vote

What is your relationship with the EU? Now is a perfect time to think. Finland has been part of the Union for almost 30 years – for a whole generation, that is. In the early years, getting to the “core of Europe” had its own charm for us. Detachment from Russia’s influence and confirmation of […]

Advanced studies in sustainability

Advanced studies in sustainability After decades of certification and optimisation, sustainable development finally belongs to the core of companies’ strategies, Kaisa Hietala explained the evolution of sustainable development thinking at the Aalto University School of Economics. She challenged the audience to develop an economic definition for the value of nature, because without it, sustainability of […]

Peaceful Christmas time

It’s been a year like no other. We have completed many important projects and kept on helping our customers strengthen their positions. Now it is time to wish you all happy holidays and a successful new year. We have made a donation that delivers a little bit of warmth to Ukraine. In the form of Finnish […]

To enhance international trade, our education must support cultural knowledge

The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a magazine called Kauppapolitiikka (Trade Policy). On September 27, 2022, the editor concludes the change in the market to the main title “A gap the size of Russia”. Russia started a war against Ukraine in February, and they are progressing from one defeat to another, but the effects on Finland’s […]
Janet Echelman

Forbidden words

Taboo is a forbidden word, a holy word — a word that must not be uttered in vain. By keeping quiet, we avoid telling the truth. So why do we submit to taboos and accept that some issues are not talked about? Every culture has its own taboos, and politics is an endless source of […]
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