
Where does the name of Mailand come from?

Company naming processes tend to get complicated. They start with idea workshops or name competitions. Management teams and board members throw in their heavy weight thoughts. Consultants produce long lists. Finally, a suitable name draft is found. Then it will be further finetuned, spiced, polished – and registered. Mailand’s name was born a lot easier. […]

Communications stands firmly on the management agenda

The role of communications varies from one company to another, depending on the company culture, industry and life cycle stage. What is common is that communications touch nearly everyone in the organisation. This is how we as consultants see it. Our assignments come from our clients’ management and experts, sometimes also from the board or […]

Transparent lobbying is part of democracy

The rules of lobbying have been mostly unwritten in Finland. The market of influencing has been mostly dominated by lobbying organisations, but in recent years the situation has been changing. PR agencies have developed their influencing services and it seems there has been growing demand for it. It has become a natural part of services […]
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